Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Year, New Me?

Cliche, right? I know.

But I've made the decision to change up some things with 2013 since the world is still turning despite Myan prophecy. This year I have made some resolutions that I fully intend to keep but you'll have to check in with me again in a few weeks to see how it's coming along. 

Here it goes:

1. Continue to get healthier and lose weight. 
Of course the number one resolution of most women and the first to be forgotten. Not this time! Last year I lost about 30lbs. in 4 months, which was very exciting since I've been heavy pretty much my whole life. Then October hit with holidays and my sister, my mom, and my birthday all in a 3 month span and I ended up gaining 10 back. Not so exciting. So I've started the year off eating healthy again and working on an exercise plan that doesn't include an expensive gym pass I'll probably never use. 

2. Work on my (currently non-existent) time-management skills.
I am a total procrastinator and it's horrible. I do pretty much everything last minute in nearly every area of my life. I'm definitely going to work harder to break this habit or I'll be in for rough water ahead.

3. Try my hardest to attend New Format on Sunday nights.
New Format is my church's college/young adult group that happens on Sunday nights. I've been attending the young adult small groups called Merge for a couple months and I'm totally in love with it and everyone in the groups. NF is more general and social than Merge but it's also harder for me to get to. I currently share a vehicle and on Sundays our schedules conflict majorly. To accomplish this resolution I'll have to become more social and ask for rides from some people in the group. That's what makes this one a little tougher for me because I hate to feel like a burden on others and I'm not the social butterfly I used to be. 

4. Be more proactive in spending time with people I enjoy.
I'm awkward. I wasn't always this way but a lot of broken friendships and lack of trust has made me apprehensive in forming new relationships. There's a couple people from my church who I would seriously love to be friends with and who have told me straightforward that they would like to be my friend too. I'm not entirely sure where to take it from there so I haven't really taken it anywhere. I really enjoy their company so my goal is to be more social and aggressive in pursuing a friendship with them. 

5. Last but most importantly, spend more alone time with Jesus.
I've been kind of struggling in my relationship with Jesus for a while now and I think it's because I haven't been focused on spending time with Him. I get bogged down and anxiety ridden with this fast-paced world we live in that it's easy to get distracted. I'm dedicated to making Him my focus and setting aside time to read my Bible and just be still. 

Well that's them. It's a pretty long list but I'm determined to keep to them. Wish me luck!